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Hash Map in Python

Hash maps are indexed data structures. A hash map makes use of a hash function to compute an index with a key into an array of buckets or slots. Its value is mapped to the bucket with the corresponding index. The key is unique and immutable. Think of a hash map as a cabinet having drawers with labels for the things stored in them. For example, storing user information- consider email as the key, and we can map values corresponding to that user such as the first name, last name etc to a bucket.

Hash function is the core of implementing a hash map. It takes in the key and translates it to the index of a bucket in the bucket list. Ideal hashing should produce a different index for each key. However, collisions can occur. When hashing gives an existing index, we can simply use a bucket for multiple values by appending a list or by rehashing.

The hash map design will include the following functions:

Below is the implementation.

class HashTable:
    # Create empty bucket list of given size
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.hash_table = self.create_buckets()
    def create_buckets(self):
        return [[] for _ in range(self.size)]
    # Insert values into hash map
    def set_val(self, key, val):
        # Get the index from the key
        # using hash function
        hashed_key = hash(key) % self.size
        # Get the bucket corresponding to index
        bucket = self.hash_table[hashed_key]
        found_key = False
        for index, record in enumerate(bucket):
            record_key, record_val = record
            # check if the bucket has same key as
            # the key to be inserted
            if record_key == key:
                found_key = True
        # If the bucket has same key as the key to be inserted,
        # Update the key value
        # Otherwise append the new key-value pair to the bucket
        if found_key:
            bucket[index] = (key, val)
            bucket.append((key, val))
    # Return searched value with specific key
    def get_val(self, key):
        # Get the index from the key using
        # hash function
        hashed_key = hash(key) % self.size
        # Get the bucket corresponding to index
        bucket = self.hash_table[hashed_key]
        found_key = False
        for index, record in enumerate(bucket):
            record_key, record_val = record
            # check if the bucket has same key as 
            # the key being searched
            if record_key == key:
                found_key = True
        # If the bucket has same key as the key being searched,
        # Return the value found
        # Otherwise indicate there was no record found
        if found_key:
            return record_val
            return "No record found"
    # Remove a value with specific key
    def delete_val(self, key):
        # Get the index from the key using
        # hash function
        hashed_key = hash(key) % self.size
        # Get the bucket corresponding to index
        bucket = self.hash_table[hashed_key]
        found_key = False
        for index, record in enumerate(bucket):
            record_key, record_val = record
            # check if the bucket has same key as
            # the key to be deleted
            if record_key == key:
                found_key = True
        if found_key:
    # To print the items of hash map
    def __str__(self):
        return "".join(str(item) for item in self.hash_table)
hash_table = HashTable(50)
# insert some values
hash_table.set_val('', 'some value')
hash_table.set_val('', 'some other value')
# search/access a record with key
# delete or remove a value



Hash table operations

The insert operation is used to store values in the hash table. When a new value is stored in the hash table, it is assigned an index number. The index number is calculated using the hash function. The hash function resolves any collisions that occur when calculating the index number.

Searching – this Operation is used to search for elements in the hash table using the key

The delete operation is used to remove a value from a hash table. To delete the Operation is done using the index number. Once a value has been deleted, the index number is made free. It can be used to store other values using the insert operation.


A collision occurs when the algorithm generates the same hash for more than one value.