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A graph is a non-linear data structure that can be looked at as a collection of vertices (or nodes) potentially connected by line segments named edges

Directed vs Undirected

An Undirected Graph is a graph where each edge is undirected or bi-directional. This means that the undirected graph does not move in any direction._

For example, in the graph below, Node C is connected to Node A, Node E and Node B. There are no “directions” given to point to specific vertices. The connection is bi-directional.

A Directed Graph also called a Digraph is a graph where every edge is directed.

Unlike an undirected graph, a Digraph has direction. Each node is directed at another node with a specific requirement of what node should be referenced next.

Compare the visual below with the undirected graph above. Can you see the difference? The Digraph has arrows pointing to specific nodes.

ALGORITHM BreadthFirst(vertex)
    DECLARE nodes <-- new List()
    DECLARE breadth <-- new Queue()
    DECLARE visited <-- new Set()


    while (breadth is not empty)
        DECLARE front <-- breadth.Dequeue()

        for each child in front.Children
            if(child is not visited)

    return nodes;
